Inital sync akonadi from commandline

When you start with Kontact you have to wait until the first sync of your mails with the IMAP or Kolab server is done. This is very annoying, because the first impression is that kontact is slow. So why not start this first sync with a script, and »

Current status for mailrendering in kube & kmail

In my last entry I introduced libotp. But this name has some problems, that people thought, that it is a library for one-time-passwords, so we renamed it to libmimetreeparser.

Over the the last months I cleanup and refactored the whole »

libotp - email rendering in kube

The important part of a mailreader is rendering an email. Nobody likes to read the raw mime message. For kube we looked around what we should use for mail rendering. and came to the conclusion, that we will use parts of kdepim for that task. But the »

Kontact and GnuPG under Windows

Kontact has, in contrast to Thunderbird, integrated crypto support (OpenPGP and S/MIME) out-of-the-box. That means on Linux you can simply start Kontact and read crypted mails (if you have already created keys). After you select your crypto keys, you »